Performing live can be thrilling but risky, especially for those in physically demanding roles like acrobats, stunt performers, or underwater dancers.
Despite safety measures, accidents can still happen—with serious consequences.
Performance Gone Wrong

The incident, which took place at Xishuangbanna Primitive Forest Park in Yunnan Province, left a crowd—including children—screaming in horror.
Attack Caught on Camera
The performer was seen on camera swimming in a large tank, gracefully moving through the water as part of her routine, when a massive fish suddenly clamped its jaws around her head.

Footage of the attack shows the fish—believed to be a sturgeon—creeping up behind her before biting down.

Onlookers gasped and shouted as she struggled to free herself. Fortunately, within seconds, she managed to break away and swim to the surface.
The attack left her with injuries to her head, neck, and eye. Her goggles and nose clips were reportedly swallowed by the fish, according to The Daily Mail.
Performer Received Medical Attention
Following the attack, she was immediately taken to the hospital for treatment.
While there were earlier claims that she had been forced to return to work despite her injuries, she has since clarified that this was not true, TMZ reports.

Although her supervisors allegedly did not want news of the incident to spread, she stated that she was not pressured or threatened into silence.
She remains off work for now as she recovers from her injuries but has expressed no fear about returning to the water once she has healed.
Park’s Aquarium Features Large Freshwater Species
Xishuangbanna Primitive Forest Park’s aquarium is home to various freshwater species from the Mekong and Yangtze Rivers, including large fish like the sturgeon, which can grow up to 20 feet in length.

While sturgeons are not typically aggressive, they have been known to attack humans in rare cases, The Sun reports.
Watch the video here:
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