On 18 Feb 2023, more than 120 people gathered at TACS to honor the political detainees from Singapore’s history. Attendees learned about various groups that fought for a free Singapore, these groups included Nantah students, heroes of Barisan Socialis, anti-colonial activists, early feminists, and workers who fought for their liberation and ours. Protest songs were sung, and photo montages and video clips of Singapore’s colourful history were shown. Including videos clips from a conversation that young Singaporeans had with Dr Poh Soo Kai, one of the most prolific thinkers and freedom fighters in Singapore’s history

“Lee Kuan Yew, I hate him. I will fight him” – Dr Poh
Dr Poh Soo Kai is a Singaporean political activist and former political detainee. He was arrested in 1963 and held without trial for 17 years as a political prisoner. Dr Poh was accused of being involved in the Communist movement in Singapore and was released in 1980 after a government review found no evidence to support the allegations. Despite his detention, he continued to be an active participant in Singapore’s political and social discourse and remains an influential figure in Singapore’s opposition movement. In his video shown that day. Dr Poh expressed his defiance and “anger” towards Lee Kuan Yew.
The youngest speaker was 21, while the oldest was 93, and the energy in the room was electrifying, as four generations of Singaporeans came together to bear witness to their shared dreams for a better future. One audience member commented on how unbelievable it was to see images of thousands of students marching through the streets of Singapore.
The Old Left who joined us for the afternoon were moved to see how passionate younger Singaporeans were to learn their stories, and how much inspiration they draw from their struggles and sacrifices. The trauma of years of detention, forced them to lay low and out of public eye. Most of them hesitated to come forward for fear that their presence might lead to problems for the younger activists. Yet they came together on this very day, heartened to see the efforts of the younger activist to continue the fight as they did, for a democratic, just and vibrant Singapore where everyone is free and has the opportunity to thrive.
Their Struggle Is Ours to Continue
The event was called “Their Struggle Is Ours to Continue,” as a reminder to keep up the fight, so that the Old Left’s efforts were not in vain. With the undying effort and determination by Transformative Justice Collective, Function 8, SG Climate Rally, TACS and many more young activists, I am sure that we will continue the fight for a better Singapore for everyone.