The Ukranian Embassy in Singapore asked supporters of Ukraine to donate to the Singapore Red Cross’ fundraising appeal. The fundraising appeal was launched on 25 February 2022.
Dear Friends in Singapore,
if you would like to support Ukraine,
please use one of the options suggested by the Singapore Red Cross.
Even a small donation is highly appreciated.
Thank you for your support!— UKR Embassy in SGP (@UKRinSGP) February 26, 2022
The CEO of Red Cross Singapore, Mr Benjamin William said:
“We are deeply concerned about the outbreak of open conflict and its dire consequences. The humanitarian needs on the ground will continue to rise as the conflict intensifies. Working with our Red Cross Movement partners, we will continue to assist the affected communities, many of whom could potentially lose their homes and all their belongings.”
Red Cross Singapore stated that the funds raised will go towards the provision of relief supplies for vulnerable persons displaced by the conflict. In a press release dated 25 February 2022, it pledged to pledged to contribute US$100,000 in support of the ongoing humanitarian operations by Ukrainian Red Cross Society and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. This pledged sum will be donated in addition to the quantum that is to be raised via the public appeal.
This is in addition to our initial contribution of S$100,000 towards the humanitarian response, announced earlier today.
Give here:
— Singapore Red Cross (@SGRedCross) February 25, 2022
The Singapore Red Cross, which is in close contact with the Ukranian Red Cross Society, said that it expects humanitarian needs to “increase massively“.
Tensions in Ukraine have been high for the last eight years and escalated to an outright conflict on 24 February 2022. An estimated 3 million people in the country rely on humanitarian aid and 850,000 are displaced. Around 30 percent of the people in need are elderly. The number of internally displaced persons and humanitarian needs is expected to increase massively as the conflict continues to intensify
You may donate to the Singapore Red Cross’ appeal via any one of the 4 following methods:-
1) PayNow
Go to “PayNow” > Click “Paynow to UEN” > Key in “S86CC0370EFR2” > Key in the amount you would like to donate> Input “Ukraine Crisis” under Bill Reference.
Go to “Scan & Pay” > Scan QR Code below> Key in the amount you would like to donate> Input “Ukraine Crisis” under Bill Reference.
2) Online

SRC has also set up fundarisers on platforms like, DonorBox, Donation Portal, iRaiser, and Benevity
On Giving.SG, almost $150,000 has been raised from more than 1,100 donors.
3) Fund Transfer
Select “Transfer Money” > Go to “One-Time Transfer” > Click “To other bank” > Key in “SINGAPORE RED CROSS” > Select “HSBC (Corporate)” > Enter account no. “142038546002” > Key in the amount you would like to donate> Input “Ukraine Crisis” under Comments.
4) Cheque donation
Please make cheque payable to ‘Singapore Red Cross Society’, to be posted to Red Cross House, 15 Penang Lane, Singapore 238486. Please leave your name, postal address and indicate “Ukraine Crisis” at the back of your cheque.
- Donations to overseas efforts are not tax-deductible.
- In the event that donations exceed the expenses incurred by Singapore Red Cross in this specific disaster response, any surplus or unspent money, after three years from the date of inception of the fund, can be used to prepare for and serve communities affected by other disasters or may be used to complement or to sustain projects undertaken by SRC in helping the vulnerable in areas affected by disasters.
Singaporeans support call for Donations
On Twitter, many Singaporeans retweeted the call for donations and expressed their support. The tweets from the Ukranian Embassy and the Singapor Red Cross attracted more than 100 reactions.
Mr Saravanan, a researcher in Singapore, expressed his hope that Singapore and Singaporeans lend a helping hand to Ukraine.
Every cent & dollar counts! We can all show our support in various ways. Hope #Singapore lends a helping hand #UkraineInvasion
— Saravanan Sugumaran (@saravanans9) February 26, 2022
Chan Tau Chou, a journalist, retweeted the fundraiser and said “not everyone is able to help on the ground, but we can all do something.”
Not everyone is able to help on the ground but we can all do something.
— Chan Tau Chou (@tauism101) February 27, 2022
The appeal for funds will continue until 31 May 2022.
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