Popular Malaysian actor and businessman Rosyam Nor recently made some controversial statements on the Hitam Putih Kehidupan podcast. The podcast snippet was posted by @suhanchannelofficial and is part of a longer episode titled “Are Women Addicted to P*rn?”, which can be found in full on their YouTube channel.

Rosyam is a cohost of the podcast, along with entrepreneur Datuk Adzliana. Their guest for this episode was psychiatrist Aiman Amri.
Rosyam starts off by declaring that prostitution dens are needed in Malaysia. When Aiman asks why, Rosyam explains that there are about three million foreign workers in Malaysia, most of whom come to the country without their wives or families. Most of these workers are men, and as he says, “Men have urges, right? But their wives aren’t around, so they turn to local women like our wives and daughters.”

He argues that this would not be an issue if there were prostitution dens, as the workers could go there instead. Thus, the occurrences of rapes committed by foreign workers would reduce.
At the end of his explanation, he admits that this is only his opinion and that others should consider things for themselves before agreeing or disagreeing with him.

The Tiktok clip has garnered over two thousand comments, ranging from offensive to total agreement, as well as many simply shocked by Rosyam’s bold statements. Some pointed out that these dens are not a rarity in Europe, though it would be unlikely for a Muslim-majority country like Malaysia to ever implement this idea. In addition to that, prostitution is currently illegal in Malaysia.
You can watch the full clip in Malay here, and a translated English version is available here:
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