In this universe and timeline, Spiderman is not Peter Parker or Miles Morales, but one Kotra Venkata Sai Rohankrishna. It also appears that he did not heed Aunt May’s timeless advice.
Kotra, who allegedly doubled up as Spidey during the New Year Eve party in Clarke Quay, faced 3 charges for breaching safe management measures. These charges were for failing to wear a mask properly, failing to adhere to social distancing measures, and attending a large gathering.
At this juncture, we pause to wonder out loud. If you’re wearing a Spidersuit, should you wear your mask on the inside (for more protection), or on the outside (to show the omnipresent SDAs that you are a responsible Spidey, because you know, great power great responsibility). We digress.
There were a number of photos and videos of Spidermen (yes, more than one) at Clarke Quay on New Year’s Eve. This correspondent distinctly remembers seeing one Tik Tok video where 2 Spidermen (who ended up in Clarke Quay due to a botched Dr Strange spell) hugging each other as onlookers cheered. However, after scouring the internet, it appears as if all traces of the Spidermen, save for the picture featured above, have been scrubbed. At this juncture, it is not known if Dr Strange is responsible for this.

If there is one thing that Spiderman needs right now, it is a really good lawyer. To everyone’s surprise, Matt Murdoch was not seen in the State Courts today. Instead, Spiderman was represented by one Ms Lim Shu Yi from Parwani Law LLC. To swoop Nelson & Murdoch’s most famous client away from them is no mean feat.
It is unknown what course of action Ms Lim and her client will take. It is clear that this time, blaming it on Mysterio, or asking Dr Strange to cast a spell, will not pass muster.
To no one’s surprise, the Daily Bugle started a smear campaign against Spiderman as soon as his charges were read out in Court. So much for the presumption of innocence eh? After the Tower Bridge Attack, you would think that Jonah Jameson would have learnt his lesson, but alas.
In case it wasn’t obvious enough, or you haven’t watched the latest Spiderman movie, a large portion of the article above (save for the fact that Kotra was charged and the name of his lawyer), are referencing the fictional Spiderverse.
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