The Incident on Bus 14 on 24 September 2022
At around 7.50pm on 24 September 2022, S & M were strangers who were seated next to one another on the left side of the upper deck of Bus 14. The bus was headed towards Bedok.
A burly man clad in a black shit was seated diagonally across S & M. A Chinese woman who was seated in front of the man alight the bus and an Indian woman took her place.
When the Indian lady sat in front of the man, the man shouted “What the fuck”. He then acted aggressively for a period of 15 to 20 minutes.
Amongst other things, the man spewed multiple vulgarities, kicked the woman’s chair, and hit his bag loudly. Some of the kicks were so forceful that the woman’s body jolted. The man was also seen cracking his knuckles aggressively.
Visibly uncomfortable, the woman got on a phone call. The man continued uttering Hokkien expletives.
According to S, the man appeared to have threatened to punch the woman at one point when she turned around to look at him.
The man’s actions were caught on camera
A short video of the incident, which was shot by fellow passengers, was sent to Wake Up Singapore. In the video, the man can be seen dramatically making a fist. He also slams on his bag and spews Hokkien vulgarities.
@sgviralvids this man behaved very aggressively towards an Indian woman on Bus 14. he was eventually asked to leave the Bus #sgtiktok🇸🇬 #sgviral #singapore #singaporebus #fyp
An audio note sent by S setting out the sequence of events was added to the video of the incident. You may watch the video of the incident, with S’s narration, at this link:
@sgviralvids follow up from previous video. an eyewitness explains what happened on Bus 14 #singapore #fyp #singaporebus #sgviral #sgtiktok🇸🇬 #sgtiktok
There was also a CCTV camera on the upper deck of the bus. We hope that the relevant authorities review the footage to investigate this incident.
Alerting the Bus Captain about the Aggressor
S found the incident extremely disturbing. She then went down to the lower deck to alert the Bus Captain of the incident.
Although the Bus Captain was initially hesitant, he eventually stopped the bus opposite the Holy Family Church and went up to the upper deck.
When the Bus Captain came to the upper deck, he conversed with the man in Mandarin and asked him what was happening. The man told the Bus Captain, in Mandarin, that he was “just stretching”.
At this juncture, M stepped in and called the man out. M told the Bus Captain that the man was being aggressive and should be asked to leave the bus.
The Bus Captain then said that the man could stay but he should behave himself.
M then showed the Bus Captain the video of the incident that they had captured earlier. Again, she insisted that the man be asked to leave the bus. Other passengers who witnessed the incident also supported M’s call for the man to leave the bus.
The Bus Captain eventually asked the man to leave the bus.
Speaking to the Victim after
After the man exited the bus, S checked in with the victim. S sent a copy of the video to the victim. The victim informed S that she wished to make a police report.
We hope the authorities investigate this matter and take swift action. We also applaud the commuters who spoke up against the man’s behaviour and stood up for the woman. Thanks to their actions and insistence that the man be removed from the bus, the situation did not escalate.
We will continue to update this article if there are further developments.
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