Anant Ambani, the youngest son of Mukesh Ambani, recently hosted a wedding that drew global attention for its extravagance and...
A 30-year-old Minnesota woman, Veronica Roleen Gast, was arrested on multiple charges, including second-degree assault, criminal vehicular operation, bodily harm,...
The tragic and brutal killing of a 31-year-old medical student at Kolkata’s RG Kar Medical College and Hospital has sparked...
Young gamers in Turkey have taken to the streets to protest the recent nationwide ban on Roblox on August 7,...
During a recent live stream, popular live-streamer Hyphonix (@/hyphonix_yt), known for his pranks on video chat sites, revealed a racist...
The search for 23-year-old singer Muhammad Nidza Afham Mokhtar ended tragically on Wednesday evening when his body was discovered beneath...
Thor, known on TikTok as @itsthorsday, recently celebrated a wedding rich in Palestinian heritage, making their special day a heartfelt...
Content Creation Gone Wrong A woman suffered injuries after her head collided with a pole while attempting to create online...
On Monday morning, the MIXUE outlet in Sri Muda, Shah Alam, became the scene of a horrifying robbery attempt. Around...
The heart-wrenching story of 33-year-old Istiqomah Ahmad Rozi, a teacher at Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Kota Masai 3, began on December...
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